Moulding Knives by Mirror Reflections

Moulding Knives
by Mirror Reflections

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Moulding DXF Files

Mirror Reflections offers a sizeable state-of-the-art database of drawing exchange format (DXF) files for fabricating template ready moulding knives. Our computer assisted drafting (CAD) profiles are extremely precise, easy to use, quick to download, molder friendly and very affordable. Whether you have a computer numerical controlled (CNC) template making machine for manufacturing acrylic templates, or you just want to build a custom profile catalog for your woodworking business, our entire dxf library will be enormously beneficial to you.
Download our free DXF files listed below, all profiles in our moulding catalog are exported in AutoCAD version 2004, so rest assured they will be easy to use and download fast. Every design has a proven clear-cut tool path, so you won’t lose any time fixing broken line issues. Still have questions about our experience? Review our referrals and testimonials page, we trust you will feel confident in knowing that we have over thirty-five years of experience in the woodworking industry, every one of these CAD files was personally engineered by a skilled professional in molding design and machinery.

Top Ten Features of our Molding Profile Approval Sheet

Below are ten great features that complement our sign off approval sheets. Move your mouse cursor over the circled numbers for an explanation of all these helpful and detailed descriptions.

Radius .125” Approval Sheet
1 1. Axial Constant Line - The constant starting point of a profile on an acrylic template and knife, industry standard is 10mm/.394". All our designs have a built in 10mm axial constant.
2 2. Reference Points – These easy-to-read reference points help you obtain a complete understanding of the cutter head position on the molder, R = Right, L = Left, T = Top and B = Bottom.
3 3. The profile name is engraved into the acrylic template just in case you lose the paperwork we provided; we can always email you a drawing if you lose the paperwork.
4 4. Full scale, three-dimensional color drawings with the size and name of profile beneath each image, plus an easy reference sketch of how the pattern is oriented on the machinery for milling.
5 5. Steel & Lumber Sizes - This is one of many of our signature trademarks. The knife steel and suggested ripped lumber sizes are on every profile we draft. Having the correct size knife steel and dimensioned lumber is crucial before production.
6 6. Dimensions - Height, width, depth of cut and every other important dimension you require; special notes and safety concerns are on more complicated designs.
7 7. Axial Settings – Generic molding knives such as radiuses, rabbets, bevels are cutters you can use for hundreds of profiles. All axial numbers are listed to save you time and lumber.
8 8. Prices – We offer a variety of superior quality high-speed steel/carbide knives at reasonable prices. Circle the grade of steel you prefer, hook angle, and cutter head bore size on the approval sheet.
9 9. - Hook Angles – We offer two different hook angles (twelve and twenty) on our cutter heads when we grind knives.
10 10. Shipping - Five fast and reliable ways for you to choose from. Circle the shipping service that suits your needs. If you forget to circle one choice, our default shipping method is USPS Priority Mail.

When browsing and purchasing profiles in our moulding catalog you won’t need to purchase each dxf file individually, simply make a list of all the patterns you would like to buy, then click only one of the “Purchase DXF” as, during checkout, in the comments section, simply note all the profiles you want, when we receive the funds, we will update the drawings and email you the dxf files shortly afterward.

Once again, we offer our best technology to improve quality, increase production and reduce lead times with high precision moulder-friendly designs. If we can be of any further assistance to your business please feel free to contact us, we would be honored to help you.

Superior Quality Moulding Knives, Profile Templates & Tooling Since1997
Custom made in the USAMoulding Knives Made in the USA

Moulding Knives by Mirror Reflections

1588 South 250 East | Kaysville, Utah 84037

Phone/Fax: 801-451-5987 

Moulding Catalog Updated Sunday, February 9, 2025

© Copyright 1997 - 2025 Mirror Reflections Inc. All Rights Reserved.